What is health and diseases?

What is health and diseases
The health i s defined as the total mental,physical and the social well being and do not merly the absence of infirmity or diseases.There are three main features or dimensions to define this definition,that are mental,physical and social.The diseases is defined as the disorder state of organisms or organs or disorders of thebody.Actually it is difficult to define the meaning of disease.For example it is easy to define that a victims of Tuberculosis(TB) that their liver is affected by the alcohol or a tumour on lung,but what to say about broken legs,arms etc?We can say about broken legs is in disordered state.It do not describe arguable term which sometime preferred as disease or as in case of disease or genetic disorders.The better way to define the diseases is better way how disease are classified.
Classification of different diseases:-
The diseases can be classified into six different main groups,They are given below:
1.Disease that are caused by other organisms:
There are different organisms that are causing the diseases.They are viruses, fWhat is health and diseases malariaungi, bacteria, protozoans, round worms.These organisms are called parasite which live inside the human body as the parasite.The commuicable diseases or infectious diseases that are mainly caused by the viruses, bacteria, and fungi, for example cholera is caused by the bacterium and the measles are caused by virus.Diseases that are parasitic diseases for example malaria by protozoan.

2.Self inflicted or human induced diseases:What is health and diseases brain damage
These are the diseases that are brought by human being themselves either as individually or collectively as the society.This disease are also can be said as social disease.Many disease like heart disease, drug abuse, alcoholism, lung cancer, are generated with modern industrialised socities.Asbestosis, pollution disorders are caused by the human from industries.There are also disease like brain damage, asthma and some cancers generated in human by living near the nuclear power stations.These are also caused by human themselves.

3.Disease due to deficiency:
These are the disease caused by the absense of certains What is health and diseasesnutirents.This types of disease may caused due to the lack of the proteing in the food as the result generate marasmus and kwashiorkar.The lack of vitamins caused different types of disease like pellagara due to the lack of vitamin B1 scurvy due to lack of vitamins C or rickets due to lack of vitamin D.Due to the lack of minerals also may cause varietu of diseases such as rickets due to the lack of phosphate and calcium, thyroid goitre due to the lack of iodine etc.

4.Disease due to congential and genetic disorders:
Disease are also generate due to the disorders of genetic.For examples Down's syndrome,Huntington's and cystic fibrosis are generated due genetic disordersto the genetic disorders.Our today's advanced medical science has said in past many childrens have died due to such disorders and still are suffering from their infancy to adulthood.Therefore we must provide the people of the society the proper solutions.But in otherhand the genetic screening can increasingly provide the information before birth whereby babies with genetic disorders can be aborted.This types of activities are raising different social and ethical issues which provke controversy in society.

5.Disease due to Aging and degenerative:long sightedness
This disease are also caused by the degeneration of the tissues.For examples longsightedness is caused by the weakining of eye muscles,disease in circulatory system.Such as arteriosclerosis are caused due to the hardening of dthe arteries.Arthritis are caused due to the aging of the joints.

6.Disease due to the mental illness:
Mental disorder is one of the greatest disease.Some mental disorders examples are depression,schizophrenia and senile mental illnessdementia.There are few drugs made to control these disease or illness.Dramatically change of these illness was from the twentieth century from life long comfinement in lunatic asylums to care in the community.

The above six categories also can be grouped in the following categories:
  • Communicable or infectious disease:
There are different disease that transfer from one organism to another.Such disease are said to be communicable or transmissible, contagious, infectious disease.Many disease in group 1 mention abovemalaria are transmitted by the way of the air, food or water, liquid, by sexual contact or even by touch.Many disease are transmitted by the intermediate organism called vector, like malaria by the mosquitos, bubonic plague by the rat flea.

  • Non infectious or non communicable disease:
The above 2 to 6 groups are said to be non infectious or non transmissible disease.But the group 4 is on of the special case of communicable disease because genetic disorders are transferred from the parents to offspring due to the presense or absence of one or more inherited genes.

So, according to the above discussion of disease it is clear that there are not any rigid boundries between the diesease categories.Different kinds of the disease involve the genetic predisposition and therefore overlap between group four above and other categories like heart disease in group 2 and some other mental disease in group 6.Therefore similar to health,the disease have mental, physical and social dimensions.Some disease are generated with the help of poverty , such as Tuberculosis(TB) and different therefore be described as having an important social dimensions.

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